There has been this meme on the internet that one has to order all Star Trek moveis by quality. Now, since I have seen every single one during its original theatrical release (except for Generations), it is very difficult for me to sort by quality movies which I saw over a period of three decades.
Some exceptions to the normal list:
Basically, I found IV, “Star Trek” (the first Abrams one) and “Star Trek: Beyond” to be great fun. "First Contact" (8), “Into Darkness”, VI, III, and II were enjoyable action-packed Star Trek movies; I will not even attempt to sort these on quality. "Insurrection" (9) and "Generations" (7) were as good as a good episode of TNG. "Star Trek: TMP" (1) and "Nemesis" (10) were, too often, boring while watching; TMP benefits from having really good special effects for its time. Star Trek V was awful beyond words.
0 = 10; A = 11; B = 12 (Into Darkness); C = Star Trek: Beyond
Best to worst; [] indicates movies of roughly same quality
As I said before, I have almost always seen these movies when they first came out in the theaters; I have changed a great deal over those years and my perceptions of the world have changed greatly.
In terms of adjusted for inflation box office receipts, the order is: